Using the above figure, the effects of demand and supply shocks on quantity
and price can be analyzed.
By operating the "shock controllers", the demand- and supply- curve can be
shifted parallel to the original situation. This represents a shock, i.e. a change in
demand or supply. The new point of intersection, which arises after the
shock occurred, indicates the new market equilibrium. This is the quantity
and the
at which, after the shock, consumers and suppliers see their respective interests
fulfilled. As can be seen from the above figure, these points can differ
significantly from the situation of the original equilibrium (marked brightly with
depending on their type, direction and combination.
A distinction is made between demand- and supply- shocks.
In the case of a demand shock, the demand curve shifts parallelly upwards
(right) if the shock is expansive and downwards (left) if it is restrictive. An
expansive/positive shock means a rise of demand (e.g. due to increased income).
A restrictive/negative shock means a reduction in demand (e.g., due to higher
A supply shock shifts the supply curve parallelly to the right (expansive
shock) or to the left (restrictive shock). An expansive/positive shock means
an increase in supply (for example, due to lower raw material costs). A
restrictive/negative shock means a reduction in supply (e.g., due to higher
A vertical shift of the curves represents a reaction of the offered/demanded
price for a given quantity. A horizontal shift represents a reaction of the
demanded/offered quantity at a given price. For linear functions, this cannot be
distinguished graphically. An exact differentiation goes beyond the scope of the
contents presented here.
For the actual application, a distinction has to be made between the shifting of
the curve and the moving along the curve. For example, if a shock affects the
demand curve (e.g. "Demand is decreasing because income is falling"), the whole
curve shifts. Reduced demand also implies a decrease of the supply to the new
equilibrium. There is a movement along the supply curve, no shift of the curve